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Research and management stakeholders have shown deplorable Particularly in relation to monitoring costs and risk to sensitive Experimental policies have been seen as too costly or risky, Long-term ecological response), lack of data on key processes that areĭifficult to study, and confounding of factor effects in validationĭata. Representation of cross-scale effects (from rapid hydrologic change to Modeling efforts have been plagued by difficulties in Or good experimental management plans for resolving key

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Many case studies in adaptive-management planning for riparianĮcosystems have failed to produce useful models for policy comparison Fundamental Conflicts in Ecological Values.Self-Interest in Research and Management Organizations.Costs and Risks of Large-Scale Management Experiments.Barriers to Modeling for Reliable Assessment of Best Use Policies.AvailableĬhallenges in adaptive management of riparian and coastal ecosystemsġ Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia Challenges in adaptive management of riparian andĬoastal ecosystems. Home | Archives | About | Login | Submissions | Notify | Contact | SearchĬopyright ©1997 by The Resilience Alliance * Conservation Ecology: Challenges in adaptive management of riparian and coastal ecosystems